From Star Field's Above and Beyond The reason that no one has ever heard of this important message before is because there never was a qualified receptacle to receive it. Shmual Wahli is the foremost authority in Paleo Hebrew.
Most of our young people around the world do not have very much morality; a great number of them. Teaching must endeavor to get our youth to have morality. To acquire morals! Many of our universities who receive tax monies don't have Divinity Classes; have no religious courses. We teach reading writing and arithmetic and send them into an immoral world. They have no substance; no character! We need to clean up our act and teach children to have clean hands. And this is the reason that bloodshed and lots of murdering goes on all over the world. Kindness and respect is not being taught. The teachers must by every means teach compassion and generosity first.
Teaching Standards – Our everyday news is proof that our weak and mundane teach- ing standards are far far below ethical morality acceptable social laws that produced the United States of America. But the Institution for the Pyramid of Knowledge has the answers for world teaching renewal; The original scripture's! The Ancient Paleo Hebrew Torah Light/Life Principle's of YHWH. Like it says in our constitution: No counsel, no court action. No MOST HIGH, no holy life.
And the reason that no one has ever heard of this enlightenment before is because there never was a qualified receptacle to receive it until, now.
There are teachers and then, there are teachers
" Y " The Five (Fiery-Breath) Scrolls of the Torah “ Y ” are there really 7 books/scrolls that make up the Torah? Our bodies are comprised of leaves upon the Tree of LIFE. The leaves are made-up of the Pimordial Hebrew Letters of the Aleph Bet. By the Letter's we are clothed. The Number's of our Name are within our parts, which hold the values of the Letter's. The sum value of the Letter's of our Name hold a Number from onetonine. 1-9 These nine numbers pertain to how we are organized within the community / Tayit / T of YHWH. We may initially see the Union of Light's as a concept, then visually as clustering of lights and Name's, but later we see the Great Assembly as a House of Number's. Literally, each Name will be called by their Number. For when our Name is called / read, the value and glory of our Name is discerned by Number. Your Name is inscribed in your forehead by the Letter's; the Number blazes within your body. We are woven together as strands of Light Thought's according to our Names and Numbers. Letters and Number's — Words and Value's-----The five (7) scroll's of the Torah are composed of Letter's and Numbers. From the words and values of the Torah all things are made and set into motion by the running of Torah Thought. Our bodies, being a composition of Letters and Number's, are comprised of five primary chambers that correspond to the five (7) scroll's of the Torah. The five (7) scroll's are grouped into three Houses pertaining to the Teraysarons/Pyramid of Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge. Within the head of each Name is the scroll of Sefer Maaseh Bereshith, commonly known today as Genesis; the head scroll is designated by the Number 8, which is the reductive Number of YHWH HaShem/26/8.
Written by:
Author Joe ‘Sarge’ Kinney March 19, 2011 THE 13TH MONTH!
Air & Space'Supermoon' Rises: Biggest Full Moon in 18 Years Occurs Saturday NightThe dazzling full moon sets behind the Very Large Telescope in Chile's Atacama Desert in this photo released June 7, 2010 by the European Southern Observatory. The moon appears larger than normal due to an optical illusion of perspective.
Thanks to a fluke of orbital mechanics that brings the moon closer to Earth than that it has been in more than 18 years, the biggest full moon of 2011 will occur on Saturday, leading some observers to dub it a "supermoon."
On Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, the moon will arrive at it's closest point to the Earth in 2011: a distance of 221,565 miles away. And only 50 minutes earlier, the moon will officially be full.
At its peak, the supermoon of March may appear 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than lesser full moons (when the moon is at its farthest from Earth), weather permitting. Yet to the casual observer, it may be hard to tell the difference.
The supermoon will not cause natural disasters, such as--------
Spotting the supermoon
The moon has not been in a position to appear this large since March 1993.
In December 2008, there was a near-supermoon when the moon turned full four hours away from its perigee – the point in its orbit that is closest to Earth. But this month, the full moon and perigee are just under one hour apart, promising spectacular views, depending on local conditions.
Although a full moon theoretically lasts just a moment, that moment is imperceptible to ordinary observation.
During the day or so before and after, most will speak of seeing the nearly full moon as "full," with the actual shaded area of the lunar surface being so narrow – and changing in apparent width so slowly – that it is hard for the naked eye to tell whether it's present, or which side it is. Supermoon making waves
In addition, the near coincidence of Saturday’s full moon with perigee will result in a dra-matically large range of high and low ocean tides.
The highest tides will not, however, coincide with the perigee moon but will actually lag by up to a few days depending on the specific coastal location. For example, in Wilmington, N.C., the highest tide (5.3 feet) will be attained at 11:21 p.m. EDT on March 20.
In New York City, high water (5.9 feet) at The Battery comes at 10:49 p.m. EDT on March 21, while at Boston Harbor, a peak tide height of 12.2 feet comes at 1:31 a.m. EDT on March 22, almost 2 1/2 after perigee.
But then, to those living on the shores near the Bay of Fundy in eastern Canada, the 10- to 20-foot (3- to 6-meter) increase in the vertical tidal range makes it obvious when the Moon lies near perigee, clear skies or cloudy.
Any coastal storm at sea around this time will almost certainly aggravate coastal flooding problems.
Such an extreme tide is known as a perigean spring tide, the word spring being derived from the German springen – to "spring up," and is not, as is often mistaken, a reference to the spring season.
In contrast, later this year, on October 11, the full moon will closely coincide with apogee, its farthest point from the Earth. In fact, on that night the moon will appear 12.3 percent smaller than it will appear this weekend.
Big full moon's appearance is deceiving
And while last weekend’s moon will be – as the Observer’s Handbook----------
Or is it?
When the perigee moon lies close to the horizon, it can appear absolutely enormous. That is when the famous “moon illusion” combines with reality to produce a truly stunning view.
For reasons not fully understood by astronomers or psychologists, a low-hanging moon looks incredibly large when hovering near trees, buildings and other foreground objects. The fact that the moon will be much closer than usual this weekend will only serve to amplify this strange effect
So … a perigee moon, either rising in the east at sunset or dropping down in the west at sunrise might seem to make the moon appear so close that it almost appears that you could touch it. You can check out this out for your self by first noting the times for moonrise and moonset for your area by going to this website.
“Y” do ya think all peoples of all nation’s are still cannibals? can·ni·bal [kánnib’l] (plu. can·ni·bals) n ‘Someone who eats any kind of flesh’ 1. SOME BODY who eats human flesh: whether as food or as part of a religious ritual
“Y” did you not take a look at the author’s books on ?
“Y” do you go through life accepting all of the teaching’s of your church, synagogue or mosque without searching for evidence of it’s false dark beliefs? Are you afraid of the truth?
“Y” is it that you do not know that Number’s 28 is a direct command of THE MOST HIGH ?
“Y” is it that WE ARE BLIND TO THE TRUTH ?
“Y” didn’t anyone ever get it right? Well, the real reason “Y” no one ever got it right is because: there never was a qualified receptacle to receive it,before. In the Name of YahúWah/Unity priests teach, prophets speak, commander’s lead, and ruler's govern. We live unto YahúWah and acquire the teaching’s, insight, protection, and Wisdom that brings peace? Darkness reigns upon our planet because not one of the theologians knows the real ancient scriptures of YahúWah? “Y” ?????????????