So, if you don’t want to be just a gazer and an onlooker as you pass (die), here are the facts of life that the Most High has given us, today.For your TRIP
So into the search, the studies we go, into the Sacred Hall’s of Inquiry and Investigation, into the Houses ofKnowledge we go, with the illuminatedLightof AL / YHWH, energizing of soul being’s.Seek here and you will find, ask here and you shall know. These ancient text’s of Paleo writing’s translated by Shmual are an inspired text! So, regardless of the spiritual level at which you are functioningand regardless of the attribute’s presently drawn out of your fire chamber of life, you may be content in your heart to know that you areLight and that your unfoldment will be complete as you exercise the Divine Will that is within you13th Month ‘TheBerwick’ As the Light comes out of the East so the White Writing’s come out of the North.
The Ink is flung out upon the Canvas of the South wherein all of the details within the Mind are opened and expressed. Every color of Thought paints the day at hand.
Every color of Thought paints the day at hand. To retain all that has been spread out, the Thoughts settle into the West. From the settlings of the colors of THOUGHT, the potency of all that is written is drawn off like the Wine from the Vats and bottled in the North. Shmual Wahli should be given the Nobel Peace Prize for his work of Peace at .
THE FIFTEEN {15} FATHER’S The Name’s of the Auwvim / Father’s
1. - Yetschaq / Isaac Foundational Principal of Sacrifice’s and Joy
2. - BAARLechaiRai - The Foundational Principal of Sight of Understanding 3. - RESHúN - Foundational Principal of Mind of Knowledge
4. - AVEREHHEM - Foundational Principal to Establish Hear ing and Consciousness
5. - MALEKKIYTSEDEQ - Foundational Principal to Extend Hearing and Consciousness
6. - ALOZAR - Foundational Principal of States
7. - Aharúwan - Foundational Principal of Illumination
8. - Nadav - Foundational Principal of Impartations
9. - GERENHhaAUWERNEHHhaYAVúWSI Foundational Principal of Examinations
10. - AVIYAHUA - Foundational Principal of Becoming
11. - BAARSHEVOG - Foundational Principal of Perfections and Completions
12. - AYITHAMAR - Foundational Principal of Towering Strength 13. - Yaoquv - Principal of Bearing Fruit Through Which Transpositions Occur
14. - AL BAYIT AL - Principal to Open and Extend the Seed
15. - ShmuwÁL - Foundational Principal of a Seed NameAARLechaiRai - The Foundational Principal of Sight of Understanding ERENHhaAUWERNEHHhaYAVúWSI Foundational Principal of ExaminationsYITHAMAR - Foundational Principal of Towering Strength AYIT AL - Principal to Open and Extend the Seed
Yetschaq / Isaac Foundational Principal of Sacrifice’s and JoyBAARLechaiRai - The Foundational Principal of Sight of Understanding RESHúN - Foundational Principal of Mind of KnowledgeAVEREHHEM - Foundational Principal to Establish Hear ing and Consciousness MALEKKIYTSEDEQ - Foundational Principal to Extend Hearing and Consciousness ALOZAR - Foundational Principal of States Aharúwan - Foundational Principal of IlluminationNadav - Foundational Principal of ImpartationsGERENHhaAUWERNEHHhaYAVúWSI Foundational Principal of ExaminationsAVIYAHUA - Foundational Principal of BecomingBAARSHEVOG - Foundational Principal of Perfections and CompletionsAYITHAMAR - Foundational Principal of Towering Strength Yaoquv - Principal of Bearing Fruit Through Which Transpositions OccurAL BAYIT AL - Principal to Open and Extend the SeedShmuwÁL - Foundational Principal of a Seed NameHhaAúwvim / The Father‘s