The Light of YHWH - Paleo Hebrew Torah = From Star Field's Above and Beyond - The White Text Torah = THE BIG THREE -EGYPT, YishARAL and ASSYRIA = Koran Torah and Bible
ShmuwÁL ben Aharon Wahli proves that the black text was MIS-READING THE WRITING'S These ancient text’s of Paleo writing’s translated by Shmual are an inspired text! So, regardless of the spiritual level at which you are functioning and regardless of the attribute’s presently drawn out of your fire chamber of life, you may be content in your heart to know that you are Light and that your unfoldment will be com-plete as you exercise the Divine Will that is within you. And as Yahushúo say’s, ‘Ye / You are the Light of theWorld.’ When Yahushúo say’s: ‘I am the Light of the world,’ he makes a statement of consciousness that he is the Light of all form’s, and that all form’s are manifestations of Light. Hence, in reading the White Text as pertaining to Light energies or to form’s, we are reading the nature work’s of Light. The Mashiyach, meaning the full measurement/communication, is laddened with the Word's, permeated by Ruach /Spirit into every Name. Via the Breath of AL/YHWH, the Word’s are transferred out of His Mouth and became inscribed,as a branding iron form’s a design via Fire, in the Mind's of the Name’s within His Name AL / YHWH YahúWah in all that are begotten or drawn out of YHWH. And amongst Name’s there is an ascending order. The Name ofYahushúo [mis-rendered as Jesus] is the highest Name in the organization of Name’s--being the Name Yahushúo above within the House of Understanding arises YHWH. Coming of Mashiyach occur's when this crowning Name of Wisdom arises through our water’s, from the loin's of our Foundation, unto the apex of our Temple. In this risen State,the Mind appears in full communication with the Word ofYHWH, being One and Perfect as AL/YHWH. The final Fire Letter in the NameYahushúo which is the O Ayin, conveys the State of the Perpetual Continuum in which we enter into, to abide in all age's.The Personality Of Yahushúo [mis-rendered as Jesus] Is / Was Not A Man!
The Enlightened Mind’s of That Generation
The personality of Yahushúo is not a man, but rather the enlightened mind’s of that generation that set forth what the Consciousness of Wisdom and Understanding would say: ---his perfecting Unity with the Principal’s of the foundation, commonly rendered as Father---whereby all that are so aligned with the Foundational Stone's are ALhhim/ Elohyim/ God’s whereby the Saying's of Yahushúo include: You are ALhhim/Elohyim/God. The prayer, as recorded in Yahuchannan / John 17
The status of Yahushúo’s Unity is perfecting perfecting Is that everyone of us would be ---his perfecting Unity with the Principal’s of the Foundation, commonly rendered as Father---whereby all that are so aligned with the Foundational Stone's are ALhhim/Elohyim/God’s where by the Saying's of Yahushúo include: You are ALhhim/Elohyim/God. The prayer, as recorded in Yahuchannan / John 17,One with the Principal’s of the Foundation as [he]—the consciousness of our placeAccording to Wisdom---is One with the Principal’s of the Foundation [Father]. Perhaps thus far, you have caught the draft of the spirit in these line's, which conveys that the personality of Yahushúo is not a man, but rather the enlightened mind’s of that generation that set forth what the Consciousness of Wisdom and Understanding would say, pray, and do.
Thus, as we read the writing’s pertaining to Yahushúo, we are reading the Saying’s and Deed’s of what is in the depth’s of Wisdom and Understanding rising as the chief cornerstone within each consciousness. During the generation’s of Sham, YahúWah reads the scroll’s in His Name. Through His Voice He speak's the Word’s. Those who hear, write! He speaks the word’s with Ruach/Spirit, Breathing the Force of Life, thereby causing the Letter’s to dance as dancing flame’s. When HaSham speaks to us, He speaks with His Breath to permeate the word’s into our thought’s. Via the smoking of the word's, the Word’s may pass through the Veil's of our House’s and into the Stone’s of our Name even as smoke permeates our garment's and our stone’s.[For better comprehension of stone's; see Torah Dictionary at BHM].
The reason that no one ever hear of the WHITE TEXT TORAH before is because there never was a qualified receptacle to receive it